Saturday, March 16, 2013

Creating cards to study English in Surusu

Dictionary word:

Search for the word in the dictionary. Copy the entire meaning and examples.

Back: full dictionary entry, e.g.

slop·py  (slp)
adj. slop·pi·er, slop·pi·est
1. Marked by a lack of neatness or order; untidy: a sloppy room.
2. Marked by a lack of care or precision; slipshod: sloppy use of language.

Front: dictionary entry with any obvious clues to the word removed, and the word replaced with ######## e.g.


1. Marked by a lack of neatness or order; untidy: a sloppy room.
2. Marked by a lack of care or precision; slipshod: sloppy use of language.

Using deck: dictionary

[Add Card]


Front: a short sentence, e..g

How old do people usually think you are?

Back: leave empty

Using deck: Sentence

press the [+English] button

[Create Cloze Cards]

Optional: before hitting the [Create Close Cards] button, add a translation in your native language to the front of card

Long Cloze:

Front: Find a long text (several paragraphs) about a subject that interests you

Back: find one word you don't know from the text on the front. Look it up in the dictionary. Paste the full definition on the back. e.g.

1. hook up
1. recieved a good or service as a favor 
2. to make out with someone 
3. to have sex with someone

Using deck: longclose

Base Clozetexts: the word *as it appears in the text on the front of the card*, e.g.

hooked up

Cloze Mode: Manual mode

[Create cloze texts]

then repeat for 2-3 more words on front

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hotkeys for Surusu

My biggest usability requirement for surusu is some decent hotkeys so I can do reps. The default accesskeys were designed for pre-smartphone cellphones, and are not ergonomic on a keyboard. My preferred layout is based around QWERTY right hand home row: K both shows the back of the card and scores it 3 (a reasonable default should you hit on accident or be unsure how to score) L and SEMICOLON score 4 and 5, and are used to push cards you know further off into the future. In the other direction, J scores a 1 when I forget a card. On the rare occasions when I barely miss, middle finger up to I scores a 2. I don't use 0.


UPDATED Oct 2014 for new 3-button layout (although if you look at surusu's code it seems insanely fragile and likely to break again next time the page changes). Install the Keyboard-fu add-on, go to its settings, Import/Export Hotkeys, and paste the following:

{"globalFilters":"[\"*\",\"*\",\"*\"]","hotkeys":"[[\"2\",\"k\",\"Show Back / Score 2/3\",\"if ($('#questionDiv').hasClass('repback')) {\\n  $('input[value=\\\"2 (>_<)...(~_~) 3\\\"]').click()\\n}  else {\\n  $('input[name=\\\"showanswer\\\"]').click()\\n}\\n\\n\\n\",[\"\"]],[\"24\",\"l\",\"Score 4/5\",\"$('input[value=\\\"4 (^_^)...(^-^)/ 5\\\"]').click()\",[\"\"]],[\"25\",\";\",\"Score 4/5\",\"$('input[value=\\\"4 (^_^)...(^-^)/ 5\\\"]').click()\",[\"\"]],[\"27\",\"j\",\"Score 0/1\",\"$('input[value=\\\"0 (0_0)...(x_x) 1\\\"]').click()\",[\"\"]]]"}


Install “custom keyboard bindings” greasemonkey script (21947)

NOT UPDATED for single-page or new button layout. Edit the script and add this to the list of bindings:

