Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hotkeys for Surusu

My biggest usability requirement for surusu is some decent hotkeys so I can do reps. The default accesskeys were designed for pre-smartphone cellphones, and are not ergonomic on a keyboard. My preferred layout is based around QWERTY right hand home row: K both shows the back of the card and scores it 3 (a reasonable default should you hit on accident or be unsure how to score) L and SEMICOLON score 4 and 5, and are used to push cards you know further off into the future. In the other direction, J scores a 1 when I forget a card. On the rare occasions when I barely miss, middle finger up to I scores a 2. I don't use 0.


UPDATED Oct 2014 for new 3-button layout (although if you look at surusu's code it seems insanely fragile and likely to break again next time the page changes). Install the Keyboard-fu add-on, go to its settings, Import/Export Hotkeys, and paste the following:

{"globalFilters":"[\"*\",\"*\",\"*\"]","hotkeys":"[[\"2\",\"k\",\"Show Back / Score 2/3\",\"if ($('#questionDiv').hasClass('repback')) {\\n  $('input[value=\\\"2 (>_<)...(~_~) 3\\\"]').click()\\n}  else {\\n  $('input[name=\\\"showanswer\\\"]').click()\\n}\\n\\n\\n\",[\"\"]],[\"24\",\"l\",\"Score 4/5\",\"$('input[value=\\\"4 (^_^)...(^-^)/ 5\\\"]').click()\",[\"\"]],[\"25\",\";\",\"Score 4/5\",\"$('input[value=\\\"4 (^_^)...(^-^)/ 5\\\"]').click()\",[\"\"]],[\"27\",\"j\",\"Score 0/1\",\"$('input[value=\\\"0 (0_0)...(x_x) 1\\\"]').click()\",[\"\"]]]"}


Install “custom keyboard bindings” greasemonkey script (21947)

NOT UPDATED for single-page or new button layout. Edit the script and add this to the list of bindings:



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